What are termites?
Termites are social insects that feed on items made of cellulose, and they are frequent invaders of homes and other buildings. Termites feed on decaying plants, tree stumps, fallen trees, and similar items made of cellulose. Termites living outside in nature are beneficial insects because they help to break down decaying matter, returning nutrients back to the soil. However, when termites find their way inside homes and other structures, they become destructive, unwanted pests.

In a termite colony, there are three different castes, or groups, of termites that live and work together: workers, soldiers, and reproductives (kings and queens). Workers make up the bulk of the termite colony and are responsible for feeding all of its members. Soldiers defend the colony, and the winged reproductive members mate to start new colonies.
Are termites dangerous?
Termites do not bite people, aren’t known to transmit any diseases, and pose no direct threat to people. However, termites are dangerous to the structures of homes and other buildings. When termites invade buildings, they tunnel through and feed on their structural wood. Termites have the potential to cause extensive and costly damage. In fact, they are responsible for causing over 5 billion dollars’ worth of damages to properties across the United States each year!
Why do I have a termite problem?
Termites are moisture-seeking pests and are found on properties with decaying vegetation, fallen trees, other organic debris, and damp soil. While foraging for food, termites often accidentally find their way inside homes through cracks in the foundation or through moist soil that comes into contact with door or window frames, deck posts, porch steps, or wood shingles. In addition, if a mature termite colony is located on a neighboring property, termites could swarm from it and onto your property.
Where will I find termites?
Termites build their nests underneath the ground and are found traveling from their food source to their nests through underground tunnels or mud tubes that they create on the surface of basement walls, foundations, and the ground. Termites do not live inside the wood they are feeding on. Termites are first attracted to, and found tunneling through water-damaged or decaying wood. If the infestation is allowed to continue for a long period of time, the termites will eventually begin attacking sound wood and even non-wooden items. Inside homes and other structures, termites travel behind walls, underneath flooring, and above ceilings to feed on structural supports, beams, flooring, wooden trim, and sub-flooring.
How do I get rid of termites?
To eliminate wood-eating termites from your home or business, partner with a professional pest control company. At Proven Pest Management we offer customizable and flexible pest management services that will completely solve your termite problem. Our highly trained professionals offer property owners personable and personalized termite control services at an affordable price. To learn more about the termite control services we provide throughout Tennessee and Mississippi, call Proven Pest Management!
How can I prevent termites in the future?
Keeping termites off of your property and out of your home can be difficult, but there are some things you can do to deter them:
- Clean gutters regularly to stop water from backing up and seeping into your home’s walls.
- Repair leaky pipes, faucets, or fixtures located inside or outside your home.
- Use dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels in your home.
- Make sure crawlspaces are properly ventilated.
- Limit soil-to-wood contact at your home and around your property.
- Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, and other piles of organic debris from your yard.
- Leave a stone barrier between any soil or mulch and your home’s foundation.